There are hundreds of NES and SNES games that are essentially just GONE outside of illegal ROMs because big corporations don’t care about preserving art, they care about $$$.
There are hundreds of NES and SNES games that are essentially just GONE outside of illegal ROMs because big corporations don’t care about preserving art, they care about $$$.
There’s some evidence that even something as simple as the year’s flu can be deadly to populations with limited exposure. There was some research that indicated that in past deadly flu pandemics (such as 1918), survival rates were higher with reduced symptoms for those that carried antibodies that were similar to past…
I feel like Asians having the highest average earnings is from a smaller sample size being skewed by Emma Stone.
Still smarting over the incompetence of Universal’s Dark Universe. There was so much potential there. But you can’t make Dracula dull and completely miscast Tom Cruise and, worst of all, try to turn your monsters into superheroes and expect success. Set all that shit back in the good old 19th century where it…
For me it still feels like the GC was just a gen or two ago, when it should be compared like the NES was to the GC at the tine... Why do we keep getting old?
All I want once the Thanos saga wraps up is this. We all know Cap will die (Duh). But I would love it if somehow he was thrown back in time/an alternate reality and finally got to have that dance with Peggy Carter. Have him die a hero, and then get a hero's reward.
There is legislation to make sure that liquor companies don’t prey on addicts and underaged kids. There’s also legislation (at least where I am) that restricts marketing and minimum cost per sale.
That’s not at all what Outrider said, but kudos on that strawman you’ve set up.
No one is saying that because addiction exists that the locii of those addictions should be banned. If you don’t have a problem with alcohol, then by all means, go buy yourself an Arrogant Bastard or three, and enjoy the evening.
Those who…
So what you’re saying is that you’d like video games to be regulated in a manner similar to how alcohol is, where there are limits on how much you can buy, which stores can sell them, whether or not you can be using them in public, where they can have additional taxes placed on them, where there are age limits imposed…
This kind of response could only come from someone who has never dealt with an addiction of their own—or either does not know any addicts, or has no empathy for them whatsoever because, “It’s easy for me, so it should be easy for you.”
If that’s your thought process, then I ask you: should things that are easy for…
The only people that loot boxes etc... ‘prey’ on are those who are incapable of delaying their own gratification.
Whenever I see this analysis of the situation, it always feels like people are saying “I don’t care, so long as it doesn’t have an effect on me.”
“People don’t like to admit they’re able to be manipulated because it destroys our idealised conceptualisation of free will, which is why people are loathe to support rules to limit this kind of thing.”
They’re slot machines in everything but name, meticulously crafted to encourage player spending and keep them on the hook.
The term in social psychology for that is BIRGing, which is an acronym for Basking in Reflective Glory. One of the key studies showed that we wear apparel of a team more frequently after they won. The opposite is called CORFing (Cutting Off Reflective Behavior), and is grounded in cognitive dissonance. You can prove…
Speaking of LeBron, let’s jump in a time machine. It’s 2007 and LeBron can’t close out a series because he passed the ball too much to his teammates. Sure Jordan punched a teammate, orchestrated a coaching change, nearly took his talents to MSG, gambled, and cheated on his wife, but at least he was a competitive…
This is why rebuilding in the East is going to be a challenge for the Bulls, making the playoffs is almost unavoidable.
A boat’s a boat, but a mystery box could be anything. It could even be a boat!
This post is a perfect example of how Nintendo can’t win.
I really think you need to stop drinking the kool-aid, dude. The reason no one complains about all-black or all-female casts is because it's so fucking rare. How many movies have you seen where the cast is all white? Probably most of them. The fact of the matter is that most media stars white dudes, and it's not…