I’ve been hearing more and more of “So MuCh 4 tHe TolEranT LEft” from bad faith idiots
I’ve been hearing more and more of “So MuCh 4 tHe TolEranT LEft” from bad faith idiots
Take you damn star.
What Trump confessions?
Surprising number of commenters puzzling over why Disney even made this. I mean, have you *met* capitalism? Warts and all, this film’s gonna delivery half a billion dollars of shareholder value. There isn’t any deeper meaning.
It’s so the employer knows which rep to blame.
I’m no fan of the Clintons, but Chelsea has an Oxford PhD in International Relations. She definitely started from a position of great privilege, but she has also put in the work. She and Ivanka are far from equivalent.
The essential difference between Donald Trump and most or all of his predecessors is good faith. Donald Trump is not capable of having a good-faith conversation with anyone. He does not believe other human beings are inherently worth of respect simply because they are human beings - to him, everyone and everything is…
Thank you for the pointer. His perspective enriched the experience even further. Pun accidental, but I’m keeping it.
To the accuracy question, anyone who enjoys the show will likely also enjoy the companion podcast, which takes great care to point out where liberties were taken in service of the selected medium. Since the thesis of the work is the cost of lies, Mazin was strongly compelled to tell the story honestly (if not…
Sure, it’s more expensive, but it saves you that frantic scramble sailing around the airport looking for *anywhere* to top off the reactor core...
Took the words right out of my mouth. Roth is, hands-down, the most incisive analyst of the broader sociology behind the Trumpocalypse I’ve seen anywhere.
For a time, the five words a Mariners fan most feared were “In to pitch: Bobby Ayala.”
McConnell can’t refuse to hold a trial. If the House voted to impeach, the senate has to hold the trial.
When people visit, the rain stops. Mathematically it shouldn’t work out, but most Seattlites will confirm - it’s always raining except when friends and family come in from out of town.
Too soon.
I am insanely jealous.
As soon as you started describing the Yes and Know pens, I immediately had a wave of nausea. Guess the road-trip-motion-sickness-because-you’re looking-down-at-the-workbook PTSD is still with me. Well played.
Well played.
Zero chance they spent CGI resources inserting Ghost into this episode and last just to give him an off-screen death. I’m hoping he took off to find his sister and her wolf army.