Hurt Reynolds


Or, you know, that steel beams have thermal failure modes other than melting, which occur at much lower temperatures. (reflex. sorry.)

I mean, what are we talking about, like five characters? 2^-5 = 1/32, which, ok that’s not great odds, but it’s better than roulette, and people play and win at roulette all the time. It’s not that big a suspension of disbelief to ask, particularly if we’re already accepting infinity stones and time travel :)

I get it

Yes, and that still happened. That timeline was not disrupted. But now another timeline exists where they get to have what might have been. I am debating the finer points of time travel in a comic book movie. I’m going to stop that now :)

I had previously read the AoU scene as Cap being *almost* worthy enough, so he budged it a little... but in retrospect, Thor’s “I knew it!” seems like he suspected Cap was faking not being able to pick it up, so I’m coming around to that interpretation. And I like it a lot, for both characters.

I’ll give you the answer to 1): that’s how long it takes to grow a human being who can tell you she loves you three thousand. They needed that much time to deliver the full Stark arc.

Stark had access to something in Endgame that he didn’t have in Infinity War, though: the original gauntlet (to use as a technical reference), which presumably they brought with them after confronting and decapitating Thanos. That’s rationale enough for me to go with it.

I mean, that’s not just a happy ending for Steve Rogers. It’s a happy ending for both of them. She had been mourning what could have been just as long as he had. Quite a bit longer, come to think of it.

You’re saying you wouldn’t?

I have good news for you! They gave you one of those less than two months ago, and they’re giving you another one in less than three months! They’re giving you a fantastic buffet of exactly what you’re asking for, *and also* giving delivering this glorious feast for of us who crave a resonant crescendo uniting all

Okay, maybe when you’re making it from scratch like some kind of Chopped champion or something, but out here in the real world, ketchup is like 50% HFCS. I liked it when I was 8. And, ok, when I was 38, but I finally realized that was just habit, not experience, and now it just grosses me out on most things. It’s

All my Delco neighbors I’ve compared notes with reached the same conclusion. Huddle in the basement at 3am? Yeah, nah, if it’s my time to go it’s my time to go.


I mean I thought this, but then he’s in there at 7pm with the lights out. What.

Because when you’re a gazillionaire, it doesn’t really occur to you that your actions might ever have consequences.

That’s your idea of the worst thing in the world? Mighty nice world you’ve got there. Man, people need to learn how do deal with boredom for a minute.

I’ve been stranded in a car and stranded in a train. There is no comparison whatsoever. Take the train.

Someone hasn’t heard of Security Council vetoes.

32 out of 32 owners voted for Trump. Bank it.