
No mug shot? Why not? When someone perpetrates this heinous a crime against the Black community, you need to publish his mugshot. Especially since your site was one of the main media outlets he used to fool our community into giving him sympathy. Your site needs to put as much effort into destroying his character as

In mentioning all the music from Atlanta, you’ve missed the 2 of the most important figures in American music. The inventor of rock ‘n‘ roll,—both the phrase and the music that was imitated, but never duplicated (sorry, stolen) by countless White boys, Richard W. Penniman (known to the world as Little Richard) and the

Kaep settles for estimated $60-$80M. WIN!!!

I believe that Black women have the right to bodily autonomy, safety, and respect. What I don’t believe is that you can retain many of those rightsfor yourself or assert them to someone else when you choose to intoxicate yourself beyond your ability to control your body when out in public. This goes for anyone, not

For me it wouldn’t be any loss unless he was on the verge of signing a reparations bill into law that included a release order for current inmates, restoration of voting rights, and compensation for wrongful imprisonment for millions of Black residents and families in Virginia who have had their lives destroyed by

So hypothetically, you as a white person would be more forgiving of him if he just wore Michael Jackson blackface rather than a Klan outfit? Is that what I’m hearing you say?

So much for the whole “good guy with a gun” NRA bullshit regarding the need for more people to carry guns and be licensed. Black people can never “properly licensed” to carry a firearm. Black people can never ever ever fit that description or definition on a non-threat in the eyes of law enforcement. Black people can

I’m glad you can be so forgiving. I can only gather by your lack of skepticism that you would not be an obvious target for a bigot or racist. For you, it’s not complicated. It is very easy for you to forget who might have been racist against someone who could never resemble you at some point in the past.

Thank you for highlighting these members of the Carolina Chocolate Drops in their new iteration. I love seeing and hearing Black people playing the instruments we invented. So many Black people think that banjos and guitars are White people music that they forget that every White person alive or dead who ever played a

The only reason I clicked here is because I thought you were going to show the skort part in the back. Those photos only show proof of a mini skirt with a vest skirt on the outside. 

Probably the most vivid and accurate literary description of what it’s like to live through a hurricane. The title is a reference to what its like to truly witness your deity in action on your planet. It’s not pretty; its terrifying.

I think now is an important time to assess the significance of our reaction to each and every racist slight. My feeling is that we, as a collective Black people, do not have the energy, nor does anyone have the attention span, to react in an expressive or overt manner to every racial slight, real or perceived. There

These cops are really scared that once you stop enforcing the petty, stupid and racist, they will no longer be necessary and communities will start reducing their police budgets accordingly.

A perfect example of a “no tolerance” policy being used in a no brains fashion. I wonder if this was also one of those charter schools who appeal to Black families with a warm message of overly harsh authoritarianism that prepares children for the the bleak regimentation of the military or prison. I sometimes wonder

I wanna remind everybody here that if you have as little as 1/64 African/Negroid blood in your veins, YOU ARE BLACK IN THE USA! I have seen no federal or state pronouncement, decree, order, ordinance, law, that specifically outlaws the “One Drop” statutes in effect for 33 US States adopted during the Jim Crow era. It


Huh? You can’t gentrify the Upper East Side, champ. Cannabis companies are already fronts for Altria (makers of Marlboro) and InBev (serving you the delightfully watery Bud Light). Mom n Pop cannabusinesses went the way of hardware stores 2 years ago, dude. 

I work in this arena and I really applaud your efforts and wish you so much luck. Our communities could certainly do with this infusion of new business.

This is a perfect example of why it is so important to work to elect people who are committed to justice rather than solely furthering their political careers. With one election, this man has eased many criminal justice burdens suffered by the poor and lower middle class folks of St. Louis County.

All these bigots get their talking points from the Center for Immigration Studies ( or the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), both of which were founded by John Tanton, a retired Michigan ophthalmologist who practices racism in his spare time.