While I love the idea of Black Kids Swim, I think their more basic mission should just be teaching basic water safety, buoyancy, and survival.
While I love the idea of Black Kids Swim, I think their more basic mission should just be teaching basic water safety, buoyancy, and survival.
Wasn’t Ron Karenga a/k/a Maluenga Karenga (he of Kwaanza creation fame) criticized by Gil Scot-Heron in “The Revolution Will Not Be Televised” for having a “red, green and black liberation jumpsuit he was saving for just the proper occasion”?
I’m sorry to hear you come from an overly religious and evangelical type family. I have spent meany a Christmas with people who assume I share their faith without giving any reason for them to doubt it.
I’m glad the Root writers support Eric Reid, but isn’t that support just a tad hypocritical?
It’s not that the job sucks; it’s that working for Donald Trump is the worst job that anyone can have—it’s the job people get only after EVERY other option has fallen through, including going to prison.
It’s telling that so many comments from the greys are unwilling to even acknowledge there might be some disparity or that the statements made in the article are facts. Not one actual scientific study, treatise, review, or article is cited by anyone in the greys for any reason other than to support their own…
I’ve never understood why “Please look your very best” isn’t enough for these teachers or other social etiquette Nazis.
Paul Prudhomme’s Meat Magic, Tony Tachere’s Creole Seasoning, black peppercorns, kosher salt, Lawry’s Seasoned Salt, adobo, Aunt Cora’s Seasoning (blend in SE USA grocers); bay leaf; thyme; basil, sage, oregano, smoked paprika, rosemary, celery salt, garlic powder, onion powder, cumin, curry powder (preferably from…
Steaks should be seasoned with kosher-style salt only at least 24 hours before they are to be cooked. Then, if one so desires, they can apply minced garlic to the steak before cooking (generally unnecessary with a prime marbled steak) OR marinate only for only 30-60 minutes before cooking—generally the time it takes…
If you’re not coming back to the Root for the writing (either in article or comment form) then you REALLY seem masochistic or afflicted by some other mental disorder like trollism. The equivalent of what you do here would be me wasting my time by going to 4Chan to make comments to those children or something. Would I…
There are no limitations periods on being an asshole, jackass, son-of-a-bitch, or cocksucker.
I’m glad Kevin Hart took the stand he did. People who want to be offended will ALWAYS find something offensive; people whose self image includes perpetual victimhood will ALWAYS be victimized by something. Period.
Rappin’ is a young man’s sport. Hip-hop is protest music. A young protester doesn’t have the same sensibility as an old problem solver. Any expectation that he does is a fallacious assumption on everyone’s part. The streets are a vulgar place devoid of society’s niceties; any person who represents that aspect of…
I often wonder if the people who shout the loudest about boycotting the NFL ever played organized football beyond flag or peewee. When I read these stories and the comments where people express their consternation that many Black people still watch NFL games, it feel like its a bunch of city basketball players talking…
I guess I would fail hotepery because one of my favorite scenes in Menace II Society is when Stacy tells Sharif “that Black power shit gets no props in my ride!”
What Max demonstrates is that the most effective enemy of the educated man is the half-educated man and he, like many anti-intellectuals, is deeply engaged with outdated, outmoded or rejected ideas and philosophies.
As the Devil’s Advocate Coming Straight Outta Condemnation, I say the only—and I mean only—reason they could have for not calling this a hate crime is because before press time they claim that they couldn’t completely eliminate the possibility—regardless of how atomically small it may be—that the owner of the wall or…
I emceed a Method Man show back in Florida in 1995 that ended up as a riot!!! This was right when “All I Need” was blowing up the charts. Seriously—Shaquille O’Neal had to usher Method Man out the back after he jumped off stage, stormed to sound booth, yelled at the sound man, then jumped back onstage and told…
I dunno—it seems hard to do “bad voice acting” when you’re being hired solely due to the recognition of your voice. I guess if she tried to deliver the performance using some godawful accent or something, that would qualify but usually “bad voice acting” in a cartoon or computer animated feature is really “bad script…
I think this story really illustrates why NOT getting a tattoo or other permanent scarring that identifies a significant other is probably the best policy.