
You all do realize that this will just be voice work, right—no facial expressions, no emoting, no pacing or positioning with other performers, but just her voice (unless she’s playing a Kenyan game warden who chases the hunters who shot Mufasa or something). For that purpose, you just need to be able to recognize her

While I’m glad the Democrats have chosen this particular hill to die on, I would be much more energized if they decided to make income disparity and economic security for poor and lower middle class people their top priority. The top of their list should be living wages, affordable childcare, affordable healthcare,

Not trying to explain or justify anything about these terrorist criminals, but a lot of people here are wondering “why” they have a rocket launcher.

Its the Peckerwoods.

The goal is to stop law enforcement and the criminal justice system (CJS) from being biased against Black people. The only way to stop that is to get rid of biased law officers, employees, prosecutors, jail wardens, and judges. Once you do that there will be fewer arrests, convictions, incarcerations, and unjustified k

Listen, any crime bill that doesn’t start with policies aimed at either: reducing the number of Black people arrested; reducing the number of Black people convicted of felonies or misdemeanors which require incarceration; reducing the number of Black people who have their freedom restricted by incarceration based

I will be forever proud of the dignity and grace the Obama family brought to the White house and to our country. Probably the last presidential couple who will be remembered like them before they got there are FDR and Eleanor. Comparing the Obamas to FDR and Eleanor is a little too much, maybe, since FDR got us out of

Maybe that wasn’t the best example, but the comment was targeted toward obstinate children who WILL. NOT. LISTEN. OR. OBEY.

While I generally agree with the article, there has to be the nuclear option for those headstrong children who will not obey anyone. Many times they won’t obey because they have not met that person who is bigger, stronger and much more self assured who MAKES then stop doing whatever undesirable activity they are doing.

First in a rom-com??

Is it me, or does that shoe look like something your aunt’s unmarried church friend wears when she goes for her power walks through the mall? I see that kick being attached to an ashy striped tube-socked foot.

Hillary is like a lot of smart kids who never seem to get the fact that being popular overrides being smart EVERY. DAMN. TIME. PERIOD.

THIS. This is why any Black person who considers themselves a US citizen and supports Orangina is completely out of their ever loving minds. They can’t believe he’ll stop this nonsense at immigrants, do they?

Parking enforcement vs law enforcement? Aren’t meter maids just cops who check meters? What am I missing here?

Not a fan of the movie, but watched the whole thing.

For a second there, dis mufucka looked like Warren Sapp. Especially with the rustyfoot sandals.

I wouldn’t compare this to MLK/Abernathy as much as I would compare it to the first Black man to attend and graduate from the University of Florida Law School and the Black man whose lawsuit won the right for it to happen.

Yeah, but MLK turned the other cheek to be more like Ghandi, who could turn the other cheek because he had sheer numbers on his side in India. We didn’t, so if our first reaction had been violence, then I do believe a lot more Black people would have been murdered than were killed between 1865 and 1950.

Whew! Lots of splitting infinitives here! My take here is that while Bill Clinton might not have actively sought to abuse the office of the POTUS in his dalliances with Ms. Lewinsky (who really just got dragged for life), he is guilty for knowing better and not being that better man. He is guilty of abuse because he

“We wish we white people hadn’t been so lazy and corrupt that we saw no moral, philosophical, or religious conflict between our desire to own other human beings to perform our labor and our professed beliefs in God, Christ, or other religious figures and mores. We wish our corrupt, greedy, amoral, and God-less lazy