It’s full of cars.
It’s full of cars.
When my rust-addled co-worker David Tracy described the trip he wanted to take with me, he said there was a guy in…
Oppositelock provide a dozen of them on on a daily basis.
Yeah. I know Brady is an obvious and easy target for these deconstruction pieces, because there’s nothing much to him besides the “I want to be a great QB and win stuff” drive. But that’s kinda admirable in a single-minded focus way. He’s obsessed with it.
The bourgeois malaise I dined on at Le Bernardin last night was divine.
I disagree about the roman numerals. You can’t just abandon something you have done for 49 fucking years because you suddenly don’t like the look of a solitary “L”. That was some weak shit. Either use the roman numerals or don’t, but be consistent dammit.
I agree, but it looks like nothing happened to him. According to what I found on him, he killer is a Silicon Valley douche-bro with a startup, and his sister is actually the prosecuting DA.
Every time I try this, my stupid foot thinks it’s the clutch and I have a bad time.
What is it with the Soros boner? Saul Alinsky not selling it to the stupids anymore?
^ this person is probably 12
First, Triscuits are garbage. It’s like someone went, “How can we take these unsold wicker baskets and make money off them?” and they turned them into trash crackers. The worst part is that Triscuits constantly try to market them like a party cracker. “Just take a Triscuit, cover it with melted cheese, bacon, avocado,…
An industry can have misaligned incentives, bad common practices, and little accountability, but it doesn’t have conspiratorial aims against society. This oversimplified mentality, like all conspiracy theories, is only useful insofar as it absolves you from having to change anything.
I am not a Trump fan, nor did I vote for him, but his government is not illegitimate. If you win the election and you haven’t cheated (manipulated actual ballots) you won fair and square. Saying the government is illegitimate only weakens all the correct things you say after.
Same here. Holy hell has it been a pleasure as a Pats fan to watch this team for nearly a generation.
Team couldn’t talk him out of it.
‘most insane mini on the planet’
This such good kinja
At least there weren’t a lot of people there to be offended.
It’s midnight and it’s freezing. The tiny industrial park is dead and empty, save for one open garage bay. Bathed in…
2 Young Crewe