This makes me smile a lot. I’m going to show it to my wife next time she’s like “are you STILL playing that game?” “GOTTA CATCH VOLTRON SORRY HUN”
This makes me smile a lot. I’m going to show it to my wife next time she’s like “are you STILL playing that game?” “GOTTA CATCH VOLTRON SORRY HUN”
A fair amount if you want anything resembling a decent framerate. I have a 2 yr old Acer gaming laptop with a GTX 860M and 16 gigs of ram and a quad core processor, and it runs without a hitch on medium-high. But IIRC the physics engine actually uses the CPU and you get some bottlenecking when it needs to process a…
Check out the forums for some awesome real model mods! I am an evangelist for this game, the more people playing the better.
Also jesus if I knew the 100+ hours Ive sunk into this game could be monetized through YouTube...
Have you never played Beam.NG before?? Raph! It’s the shit!! Someone on the forums is about to release an insanely detailed 1980s B-Body mod, it’s probably my most-anticipated video game related launch of the year.
Running around that empty stadium during the game looks like more fun than watching the game itself. As someone used to the cramped confines of Fenway, how is it THAT empty??
This fucker complaining about Antonio Brown of all players is exactly why no one cares about your fantasy team.
They don’t pay you guys enough to deal with all the mouthbreathers who keep asking that question.
And when I wasn’t sweatpants kid I was tearaway athletic pants kid. I didn’t have a lot of friends in middle school ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I was a sweatpants kid, but only because I was also a fat kid.
Carr was slow to get up near the end of that drive, I wonder if they thought he wouldn't be effective in OT
Did the ant movie make you cry?
What did your wife make of this whole towing plan?
I for one would be pretty interested in a serious attempt at a real fantasy column on this site. Just because 99% of them are butt doesn’t mean it’s a worthless endeavor. We all play, even if we don’t bring it up much for fear of being told that no one cares about our teams (which is true).
I remember going to a Monster Jam show at the Hartford Civic Center as a kid in the mid-90s and seeing a similar GL wagon tackle the opening tuff trucks event. It was just as clapped out, a real feat considering it was probably 6 or 7 years old at the most. If I recall correctly it dug its nose in on a section of…
You're the only one
It’s funny how racist memes rarely show a solid grasp of the English language.
My wife wants to go to Hooters for dinner tonight, is it a trap?
Cmon guys:…