area man

What do the fenders add, an inch to the width? The company’s explanation sounds pretty bunk.

Why did they cut the video just as it was getting interesting?

Like lightning you are.

Not if you have a deep sink, I can run through all my plates and cups before I realize I’m screwed.

Fuck the haters, make it an hour next time!

You need a new job, I just did.

I will always remember listening to WFAN on the shitty AM radio in my work truck in the summer of ‘08 on the day of Chamberlain’s first start and the Yankees homers going nuts about how we were witnessing the debut of an all-time great. As a Boston fan that was some solid schadenfreude later.

You make the most enjoyable Jalopnik videos. Keep it up!

I’ll never understand this criticism. How do you think the hosts developed their chemistry on the old Top Gear? Things take time.

Excuse the stupid question - you can directly power wash an engine like that without damaging any looser bits?

And yet,

I know you’re being facetious, but it’s more the smoothness of the car’s movement and perfect lighting in a “natural” setting that are giveaways.

Eh, I can generally tell when CGI is being used. I’m no technical expert but I do work in TV and have a pretty good eye. But obviously the regular consumer doesn’t know/doesn’t care.

This is really cool from a technical standpoint and I see the use in updating commercials for model refreshes, but it reminds me too much of those horrid Nissan spots that are basically all CGI. You’re selling something that’s a very physical purchase for people - at least show the damn thing for real.

It was Tavarish if I recall correctly.

I never knew how little I knew about what constitutes a full rebuild... So many mysterious steps. Awesome, hypnotic video.

The lack of a multiple/multipla pun in the headline is not OK.

Hm. So it’s OK to say racist things as long as the audience digs it. Got it.

This was... not my finest moment. Salt flats don’t dry out till June, people!

Also [pendant hat on] that’s a regular street, not an alley.