area man

That seems like a cool website. This is off topic but how do you guys find these offbeat publications? Any similar ones you can recommend? I feel like I’m stuck on the same 5 sites all the time.

This happened to me, minus the loss. I would have raged impotently had that happened.

Have you ever approached a woman in a public space just to tell her that you think she’s gorgeous? If so, how did it go? Assuming you’re clean, acceptably dressed, and just generally don’t look like a pervert, is there any chance this could be received well, or am I about to get maced?

I know it’s just a static design, but the curved form makes it look like that thing can just hop off and start walking around and killing people.

nice spin on the quick take review model. dont understand the frown at the jacked up ride height though!

The original Neon R/T was obamanotbad.jpg

And he helped the opposing team

Best livery

This sounds soooo familiar and very typical of CT. The only thing that’s changed in my hometown in 50 years is the number of old people, and that’s the way they like it. Back in the ‘90s a developer bought some land near a decades-old family-run pig farm, one of the last of its kind in the state, and turned it into a

Not locked?

For my money it’s the MUJI .38mm gel pen. Writes like a thinner G2 that dries instantly.

For my money it’s the MUJI .38mm gel pen. Writes like a thinner G2 that dries instantly.

I spent the better part of this weekend behind the wheel of a Chevy Express while moving from Manhattan to Brooklyn - can confirm they are perfectly innocuous vehicles and basically exempt from parking tickets. I can only guess they assume John’s Plumbing will never pay up. However if you try to go through the cars

Now playing

This remains the best thing he’s done:

I’m sorry that everyone seems to be having a hard time understanding what you’re saying.

yes good

That feeling when a stranger on the internet has the same very specific Hot Wheels standards as you...

I understand it’s the exact opposite purpose of all this aero, but this thing seriously looks like it is capable of flight.

That’s planned obsolescence for ya - they don’t care about anyone who doesn’t own the latest generation and a half of their phones.

Maybe I’ve just reached a certain age, but for some reason this year all the Apple hype is making me want to throw my old iPhone off the nearest skyscraper, followed quickly by myself. It’s all so goddamn fake and wasteful (and, spoiler, nothing is actually new and exciting!) and yet people are still caring the SHIT