I'll fully admit that my reaction mainly came from the fact that I can't afford a car here in New York City.
I'll fully admit that my reaction mainly came from the fact that I can't afford a car here in New York City.
Look at it this way - imagine both those cars are stacks of $20s instead. One is being spent on something that you may or may not find useful or important or significant in any way, but it is still money being spent in much the same way everyone spends their money - on things. The other stack of money is literally…
It may have been on its last legs mechanically in your eyes, but considering it still ran after you stepped on it with your H1 those legs seem a little longer than you're letting on.
The difference between this and a LeMons racer is that here we have a car being destroyed simply for the sake of destroying something, whereas LeMons candidates are actually being turned into race cars to be used with enjoyment by a team of multiple people over the course of a season.
As in, that's a running sub-$1500 car that a minimum-wage worker could have bought or something, rather than someone who is going to destroy it for an (admittedly) funny video.
Completely agree. I was actually kind of hoping he was going to keep it and write about driving a crappy car instead of the usual "lololol range rover repair," but whatever floats his boat.
Buying a car, even a PT Cruiser, just to destroy it is kind of wasteful.
One word, people - Etsy.
"la la la I don't like to acknowledge facts that don't jive with my twisted worldview."
Wait, so even though it was her idea and she was the one driving, she didn't get charged? That's wack.
I want Spintires to build a mode like this.
There is no such thing as too much sidewall you fool
I know this happened yesterday, but the fact that you didn't (and still don't, I'd wager) realize that in calling out pendants you yourself have become one is hilarious.
When I heard Michaels say "and there's flags on the field... for celebration" my heart dropped and I was dead silent, as I was sure he was wrong and we were about to have that moment taken away for some stupid reason
"[My girlfriend] Sarah's grandparents are buried here! You wanna go to the cemetery?" Jablansky jabbered excitedly, pointing. We were headed down the 101, towards Kanan Road and the canyons, roof down, the exhaust burbling cheerfully. "Valley Beth Shalom! Or something. It's got great apexes. I took the NSX here and…
You're a fool, but that's ok.
That parts warehouse is fucking incredible. How did you ever leave?