Mrs. Hurdicure

Because our side generally tells the truth and the truth isn’t easy or pretty or simple. The world economy has changed. Well paying industry jobs for people with a high school diploma are not coming back. Climate change is happening. We need to reduce our reliance of fossil fuels even if it’s going to cost us jobs at

The sooner people realize McCarthy is in the top 5 of the funniest people who ever lived ever the better off we’ll all be.

“they were encouraging users to go to some kind of ‘bounty’ site, where users collaborate to attempt to gather personal information on targets.”

When you are not the government it is called “running your business.”

Unprofessional and damage to institutions is 100% who just got sworn in today, so your high horse is actually one of those tiny midget horses. With tiny hooves. And an orangish wispy mane.

Of course it’s Tiffany’s box.

I think Trump knows that his base doesn’t really want an end to the ACA so he’ll make a huge splash by vetoing the repeal. Trump has a golden opportunity here to stand up to Congress and he bladder take it.

Neutron, this is a minefield because what people understand as “rape” varies from country to country. I was careful to word it as sexual abuse, which it WAS.

If folks trusted women, perhaps the US would not be swearing in a president who boasts of grabbing women by the pussy.

This! Men constantly say “Women make up those allegations.” It’s the same shit we see when men say, “slap a dress on and you can call yourself transgender.” Precious few who voice these kinds of allegations falsely, because making these allegations opens them up to miles of abuse and slander.

I agree. It’s a 100 year tradition, not an forced endorsement. I won’t be watching (I don’t think I could stomach it), but being there is not supporting him. I hate trump with every fiber of my being, but I also don’t like that this has turned into a mass of bullying and death threats over who is going. If you want to

It’s been interesting to see how women who were engaged in/active with championing against #NotAllMen are now spearheading discussions about how not all white women are terrible now that Trump has been elected.

Too feminist. Jesus holding Mike Pence, maybe.

This is literally #NotAllMen on a t-shirt and for white women. If I see my friends doing this stupid thing I will come get them I promise.

Um...wouldn’t that just be a normal portrait?

Everyone knows the best way to inform the public about political issues is to carefully cherry pick one negative thing and one kind of positive thing about the Republicans, and then do the same for the Democrats, and then present those pieces of information, and only those pieces of information, as though they are all

(takes out card) “Thank you, Late Night host Seth Meyers, for showing that you can be funny and still have a spine..”