Mrs. Hurdicure

And to be totally fair, Kurt Metzger didn’t even rape anyone (at least as far as we know.) He holds an opinion about this situation that can make survivors feel silenced. I’m not sure the answer is to silence him but I’m 100% sure the answer isn’t to drag some twice removed from the situation into the middle of it.

I’m related to people who are voting for Trump. I disagree with them, we have discussions about it. I like talking to them about politics, it sharpens my beliefs and sometimes I may even give them stuff to think about.

Yes, people have the right to peacefully ask her questions. She has the right to peacefully block them whether she doesn’t like the tone of their question, the hook of the question mark, or simply dislikes their icon. The problem is, when you presume that the reason she’s blocking people is because of complicity in

So if she says nothing, she’s insensitive. If she says something, she’s trying to weasel out... of something she didn’t even say.

Look, no one is arguing whether Metzger is a dirtbag. He is. Easy. Rage at him all you want, he’s begging for it. I don’t know his motives, maybe he didn’t get enough hugs as a child and the bad attention feels like love.

And I’ll just add that it makes total sense to me that if she is genuinely disappointed in Metzger, that if this dude was a close friend and if she is truly a survivor, what he said may have been very difficult and triggering to read.

How is blocking someone who is sealioning you a bad thing? How does that change her statement? “I can’t harass this famous person to my liking, they’re bad!”

Not arguing whether or not the guy’s a douche, arguing why Amy Schumer is being targeted. And why sealioning her in your “polite debate” is cool when you’d be super against that sort of behavior, even encouraging her to block otherwise. Those tweets aren’t being sent in good faith. They’re meant to intimidate and

I think maybe she feels genuine disappointment in her friend.

No you calm down.

And yet, she’s not defending him now, but expressing disappointment.

It’s just so easy to hate on other women, isn’t it?

First, do you know the terms of his employment and who he is employed by? And fine, if you dislike Amy Schumer, there are a variety of reasons to do so, none of which are connected to this dude’s rant.

I really don’t know why she makes the choices that she does, but it’s kind of up to her. If it even really is up to her. I don’t know the terms and conditions of his employment. I don’t know for sure that he’s employed by her vs employed by Comedy Central.

Why is he her responsibility? Just yesterday I read an article on Gawker or one of these sites about smarm, and frankly, degrading her feminism because this dude pops off at the mouth is pretty smarmy by making this not about this dude popping off at the mouth, but about her value as a feminist.

Doesn’t this assume that Hugh Grant is down to earth enough to judge? I think he’s funny and by some measure of the word, charming. But anyone at that level of fame can maybe have some “down to earth” attributes, such as, uses comb for hair, breathes air, but otherwise, their experience of the world has been so

I combed my twitter

Exactly how would breaking up banks create economic justice?

And in fairness to Aniston, she’s put up with this for decades. It’s not as if a photo was taken of her once that was unflattering and she went on a multi-media tirade.

I have a difficult time believing that this is a woman at all. I’ve only ever seen men comparing “vaginas” to meat.