
Yeah, when that snatcher grabs you and takes you to the Unseen Village, with no obvious way of escape, I was freaking out! Especially since I was feeling so high and mighty about just having defeated (I believe) the Blood Starved Beast

**** obvious spoiler ****
It was the second time you're in the Unseen Village, with the enemies that can come back to life. I beat that area, but after that I just lost interest. Is that a common point where people get frustrated?

Bloodborne is the game I've had the strongest reaction to in many years, though I'm not sure if it's my favorite. For such a popular game, I'm impressed that many of the experiences in it feel intensely personal: for instance, every failure and victory captures the feeling that I'm the only person in the world who

Is Thomas Middleditch mouthing Conan's lines at the beginning?

If the name of your game was the title of a bit on a comedian's setlist, what would the jokes in that bit be about?

If the main character of your game threw the platform this game was developed on (i.e. PS4, X1) as far as he/she/it could, how far would he/she/it be able to throw it? Extra points if the game was developed for multiple consoles.

I never heard the Bachelor Brothers on Comedy Bang Bang before and I felt like they wasted a pretty good guest, who had a really fun first segment. Maybe my lack of context hurt my enjoyment, but Paul Rust and Neil Campbell (who I've liked elsewhere) sounded like the worst people in an improv class with weak jokes

I saw that this was on Hulu the other day (but have yet to watch it) and didn't realize that it was a reality show until the second to last paragraph of this review.  I was so convinced it was a The Office knockoff that I didn't realized how terrible this show was.