
I'd like to point out that, as an average hacker, I am kinda disappointed when people liken me to crackers (people who hack for profit). Seriously, this is life HACKER right?

@mrsilver: Seriously? Roll up your sleeves. Try a military dress roll. That way it looks like it was meant to be that way.

Okay to be honest, I got distracted reading all the comments and almost forgot what I was going to write.

@vesuvian: Actually it's called dovetailing. A term used waaaaaay before computers. You set on thing to go, and move on to something else, while keeping an eye on your other projects. Multitasking means the ability to fail at more than one thing at a time.

@Rick Davis: Rock on. I fully agree with Mr. Adams.

@Natnie: BAM! You said everything I could ever want! Why do people think that because you work in the company IT department, everyone in the company can bring you their computers?

@ZakiValdorf: No, freedom of expression is not a protected minority. The point in this post is that you have to be careful of what you do and where you do it.

I use ubiquity and I enjoy it. I have to say, I'm really really looking forward to this new project. Go Go Firefox Team!

@lethaldose: Yes. One who has cheezeburger.

I'm kinda surprised this warranted a post. I mean, I've been using C&F for years and it's good for use when you close a tab, but for my full on privacy I had to tweak firefox settings and I added Stealther for those top secret missions.

I think monopoly is getting used to much here. Google isn't a monopoly. They don't force you to use them, load their software, run their programs, etc. People use it because they like it and because they still strive to do the best possible for the consumer instead of themselves. For a while I wanted to hate Google

I just bought a Nombray account and I have to say, I'm actually pretty impressed. I'm a CTO by trade and, as such, I've built my share of websites. Now, this begs the question, why use Nombray if I can build a site? For me, it's more a way to give my customers a single place to go in order to follow me, view my

Gee, I wonder why piracy is so rampant.

I just downloaded and installed this. Overall I'm pleased. I'm using it to run my media library at home. After trying out a lot of others, and simply not getting them to work, or having a hard time installing them, Elisa was a refreshing take on the Media Center ideal.