Hunter Sawyer

Outcast - B.O.B.

Stan Bush - The Touch

Ouch! How can you take so many direct hits to the funny boner and still operate a computing device?

He played the role of the car James Spader watched Elias Koteas have sex in, right?

Maybe a couple of pistol shots with the accompanying "Dance Monkey, Dance" will reverse Microsoft's danecable fortunes?

Yup, I hexed his colon and five long years later he died of breast cancer

Yeah; it was a limited edition huge version

True story: My grandfather gave me this as a Christmas present one year


Ummmm…… the hair? Or like somewhere that doesn't cause any real permanent damage?

Not to be a morbid bastard, but I hope he shows up for one scene, says something miserably offensive, then gets shot. Not somewhere pleasant either.

As much as I'd love this, I would much prefer something along the lines of "Kids Bop: Odd Future Edition"

Throw me the key, i throw you the girl

What an incredible transformation for just a brilliant performance!!! Just give the lady an Oscar amrite?

I didn't know Molly Shannon was in Superstar: The Karen Carpenter Story!!!

I agree, but a this point, any McDermott is good McDermott

I refuse to watch this until they add like 1000% more Dlyan McDermott! This show is but a pale imitation of its former self without the master!!!!!

Oh my god, that Freddy bit had me in stitches for a good twenty minutes

I *BLEEPED* kitty?

I have to admit, and I say this as a (semi) southerner, that I have a real fondness for films that decide that the only characterization their villains need is "southern accent"