Between this Koenigsegg and that Mclaren, I was like “wow” these manufacturers are really producing some works of art this year.
Between this Koenigsegg and that Mclaren, I was like “wow” these manufacturers are really producing some works of art this year.
In one single picture you have proven what some care to an automobile can do to perception. That thing is gorgeous. I called the posted ad car fuck-ugly. Nice car man.
Your 2011 looks MUCH better than the one in the ad.
That’s sexy AF
The mud flaps give it that little bit extra. I love it
That looks very, very, very nice! Assume your engine bay is the polar opposite of the heap featured here too?
If you ever bring yourself around to selling it, let me know. Car this clean, I might be willing to overlook the high mileage ;)
That almost makes that body style look attractive.
As God intended. Tint those windows and you’d be a 11/10.
Thank you for that palate cleanser.
This is aesthetic.
Filthy engine bay, suspiciously replaced gearbox, and a big ol’ subwoofer in the back? Poorly maintained bro mobile. Crack pipe.