Hunter Clarke

I don't think you understand what the weak man fallacy is.

You are still weak-manning the other position.

I would argue that Bill Maher operates precisely the same way (and Jon Stewart, less bombastically, and many many others). It's funny so long as you agree with the premise upon which the joke depends.

That there are very few successful conservative humorists who incorporate politics into their humor might mean that conservative politics (or people) can't be funny.

The reason you don't get to say that is that it begs the question. You simply assume that because you don't get why someone would be conservative, and because it's possible to weak-man their position (it's possible to weak-man almost any position) that conservatives must be evil.

Well in order for you to recognize it as valid or at least humorous, you'd have to be able to tolerate an insult to your values based (at least partly) on values you find antithetical to your own.

You realize that you just basically said, "of COURSE there are lots of stupid and evil people out there. 50% of the public is voting for policies that only stupid or evil people would ever support!"

Sure, those people do exist, but acting as though they exist in overwhelming numbers or they represent the character of everybody on one side of certain kinds of political issues is a cheap way out. The applicable term is "weak man fallacy"

Well my favorite part of Red Eye was always the absurdist gags like this one:

When your understanding of someone else's position is that they simply have no empathy, or don't understand reality, or have sinister motivations then I'm going to be skeptical whether you actually have any understanding of that other position (which is a different question from whether you think you do).

I would suggest that if you think "calling people stupid" sums up the entirety of Gutfeld's work then you haven't seen much (or any) of it. Or possibly are too closed off to people with points of view that diverge from yours to appreciate the humor — like conservatives who don't get how anyone can find Jon Stewart

Well what's really convenient is, so long as one lacks the imagination to understand how a person might come to hold opinions you disagree with without being stupid or evil (or both) then one is relieved from any obligation to be empathetic to people who hold that point of view.

Comments summary: "I hate conservatives, therefore Greg Gutfeld is an unfunny douche."

Comments summary: "I hate conservatives, therefore Greg Gutfeld isn't funny."