
I think you meant to say some people in SK, which would be true of virtually any issue.

I’ll bet that China has substantial radar coverage of both SK and Japan.

Lol. Elizabeth Warren would support impeachment on ANY grounds.

NK doesn’t have a no first use policy. In fact, they threaten to destroy SK, Japan and the US all the time. How are those countries expected to respond to such blatant threats of nuclear destruction? Would China prefer that SK and Japan institute crash nuclear development programs to serve as national deterrents to

So what exactly was exposed? Was it simply a warning that a specific type of threat existed that could target Russians as well as anyone else? Or, did President Trump say Israel had penetrated group X and obtained information through a direct source, ie giving away sources and methods? Those are two VERY different

Depends on what you’re looking for. There’s various Nickelodeon and Disney channels, etc for the kiddies and shows on other networks for older audiences. And of course there’s that whole thing called the internet that’s simply amazing with its possibilities.

You must have some crappy cable package and no internet access if you think that’s all that’s available.

I’m a fan of PBS myself. But, it’s a pretty good example of how a government program can never die. PBS was funded to be an alternative to the 3 networks that often had game shows and other programming that didn’t have any educational value. It was truly the only alternative available for decades.

A VERY dangerous idea.

I think there’s more to this story. Why would she resign? If they were to fire her she’d have a heck of a claim against them.

Exactly. Shoot at cops, don’t be surprised when they shoot back and likely kill you.

Excuse me? I know I’ve read on this very site how much problems the Ford is having with its EMALs system, such that it questions the ability to even carry out its missions. Now you’re saying it’s perfect and any thought that it’s not is crazy?

Did the Ukrainians and other former Soviet Republics that inherited nuclear weapons have the ability to use them? US weapons at least have codes and other inhibitors to prevent their use by those not authorized.

These batteries are going to last a long time. 3rd party companies are already repurposing batteries out of wrecked Teslas. Batteries from vehicles that are retired from service can be used for energy storage both in homes and on the grid.

CA is a pretty labor friendly state. Also, the former NUMMI and GM plant was always represented by the UAW until it closed in 2010, the same year Tesla started using it for their vehicles.

The current price for premium fuels is a scam. It wasn’t all that long ago that the upcharge between 87 octane and mid level 89 was 20 cents and then another 20 cents to 91-93 octane. I’m buying gas quite cheaply at a local Murphy station. They generally have the best prices regardless of city.
 Within the last

Georgia is an extreme example. Most people were leasing EVs to take full advantage of all the incentives. If you buy, you have to pay enough in taxes to take full advantage of the tax credits. The leasing company can easily do that and pass all the savings on to you. For a vehicle like the Leaf that Nissan itself

How did you get

It should also be pointed out that carriers are a dangerous place to work even in peacetime. In war those problems are compounded. During the Vietnam war we suffered two big carrier accidents that could have potentially sunk the ships. A busy flight deck with lots of ordinance can be an accident waiting to happen.

Why the FUCK is the live broadcast on CNBC? That’s their business news channel. I ended up watching the tape delay on NBC Sports which is where it’s normally broadcast live because I couldn’t find the live listing.