
Who would’ve thought Honda power could be so bad? It sounds like they’ve actually taken a step backwards this year after being so outclassed last year.

“Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers chief executive Mitch Bainwol is trying so hard to gloss over the fact that the companies he represents would, in fact, like to loosen the regs.”

Depressed trajectory SLBM launches weren’t just a worry to the Russians, they were a down right nightmare for US planners. Washington, DC is sure a lot closer to the coastline than Moscow is.

I wonder if the CEO’s attitude will change when he’s subpoened to appear before Congress. Maybe the FAA can review United’s certification to even operate in the US. Time to yank this guy’s chain HARD.

The Navy actually bought the upgraded Tomcats, the F-14B & D. They were a big improvement over the A models with their GE engines that both provided more thrust and had better reliability. The D model included digital avionics that greatly improved the aircraft. The problem for the F-14 was they were always

The smart thing is to add many of the Super Hornet features like conformal fuel tanks to our existing Super Hornet fleet. The same with the stealthy weapon pod. Increase range with very little drag penalty and increase stealth performance in the opening days of a conflict when necessary(it would simultaneously

I’m wishing SpaceX good luck with this launch. It is important. But, the key to reusability is actually saving money. The Space Shuttle was reusable and only wasted the external fuel tank, by far the cheapest part of the system. The Shuttle itself, the main engines and the solid rocket boosters were all recovered

“Remember sedan sales are slow right now, so with some solid negotiations combined with factory rebates you might be able to get those imports below your threshold.”

“Find a reasonable solution that doesn’t cause people who are into the game and not in danger the ability to watch it.”

I think the point is that saving your skin is more important than watching a game. The video was only cut in the area that was under immediate tornado threat. Listen to the message and take cover. Tornados are not something you want to mess with. They can be incredibly destructive and random. It’s not like a

The black screen is a serious message that you should worry more about protecting you own skin than watching some game. This wasn’t a national blackout, just in the area that was under immediate threat of tornados.

Is this really an issue?

Sounds like driving in the UK sucks. 35 mph in a 30 mph zone shouldn’t result in a lost license, especially with only 2 prior speeding tickets. Btw, the UK uses speed cameras.

Lane splitting is legal in which states? Only CA that I know of. I think there’s a reason for that, it’s not very safe. I see where the rider benefits, they’re weaving through traffic and making much better time. But they’re doing that by popping into spaces there were clear just a moment ago. And in this

Actually, it’s that image that’s the reason Harleys are popular overseas. Harley has of course also expanded its offerings with the Street 500 and 750 to hit a more affordable market segment.

As long as you’re including the catalytic converters, it should be just as clean and probably quite a bit cleaner than the engine it replaced.

I’d want to do this swap in an XJ-S. I’ve always liked those cars but keeping them running in the States is hard and expensive.

“Widely regarded as the world’s top tank, the T-90"

“The last time an aircraft carrier has been used in battle was in World War II.”

Actually, the studies show that behavior like that actually saves time overall, at least when done correctly. There are even traffic signs now that show using all lanes until the merge ends. Trucks, etc that try to ride side by side to enforce some sense of fairness actually slow things down.