Stuff N Fluff

That indeed may be a bit harsh. I suppose they can work in places that give face tattoos.

Because God is a bear who looks like a flasher?

This redditor is truly doing God’s work.

So what you’re saying is that instead of having 3 kids and no money you should instead aim for having 3 money and no kids?

Oh God I never thought of that.

I love both the Paddington movies. Really wonderful films. Warm, funny, charming, sweet, smart... They’re so good! I was thrilled to see that a third is in development, but I don’t know. Without King? Maybe it will work, but my excitement is much diminished by that part of the news. 

Of course it’s calculated - heads of state are supposed to calculate stuff. When they make stuff up as they go along, you end up with the nightmare that just ended yesterday.

Yes, money-grubbing corporate buzzards like... *checks notes* the London Philharmonic Orchestra.

At long last, AV Club, have you no decency?

Since we probably can’t unring the “politician twitter” bell, I hope that the presidential twitter for the next few years is just Biden tweeting “ffs,” plus occasionally retweeting an article about classic rock.

Does service no longer guarantee citizenship?

That’s called “peaceful transition”, also known as “i will concede when all the votes have been counted, i will concede when all the votes have been recounted, i will concede when all the votes have been recounted once more, i will concede when the electors will have been officialized, i will concede when the electors

Wait a sec... the passes ranged from $600 to $1400? Is this how the federal government came up with the stimulus check amounts?

So have I, and I’m not a fucking sociopath.

Rudy Giuliani tries to schedule an interview with the Municipal Fish Market at the Wharf

I didn’t know who he was before it was cool.

Facebook’s “VP of integrity”

I believe it is available to stream on Disney Plus. 

Laughing at the first two photos here, which tell a story of Elizabeth Moss being arrested for violating a park’s no-smoking ordinance.