Stuff N Fluff

But did they find that it tastes great, makes women appear more attractive, and makes a person virtually invulnerable to criticism?

It was all just a misunderstanding. Well, you knew your ID was in your pants pocket.

If it’s the Dominick’s across from the law quad, I can agree in spirit, but request that the underagers stay on the porch and away from the back patio. And, I cast serious side-eye at the MD2020 claim. Proof? (Get it? Proof?)

I immediately thought Thunder chicken!

That’s fine I’ll explain it for everyone. See Tom Brady may appear to be human football player, but he is really an incredibly well trained fancy dog. Like a purebred Air Bud.

Surely the two things are related...

Stem Kit Barbie is a shill for the government. She has absolutely no ethics and is splicing together GI Joes with Decepticons for the military.

I hope I’m not blowing up Clayton’s spot here, but it’s a very obscure reference to an old Jehovah’s Witness magazine titled “Millions now living will never die”. I was raised in that cult (now very happily an ex member) and had to do a double take when I read the title!

Truly a beautiful memory. Thank you for sharing. :P

I think it’s an ad for sugared water.

I think you made the right choice. I do hope drinking was involved.

Well, it DOES take awhile for those Blu-Rays to start up after you put them in the player.

RotJ was the first Star Wars movie I saw. It was before the special editions came out and I absolutely loved everything about it. Still do. I really despise Sy Snootles.

Good on them for not feeding him progressively less plausible lies about the progression of the game like I would have.

Meanwhile, on United, flight attendants shoved a dog down the toilet when Clemson took 70-29 lead over Auburn with 11:33 remaining in the game.

Dang, bringing back some damn good memories (and lack thereof). Something VERY close to this recipe was our go-to for dorm parties, with the key modification of cutting it with a full bottle of everclear blended with grape Mio, as well as dumping in a crapton more fresh fruit. Two or three (shockingly tasty) cups of

You know, Mary Magdalene was the original “Tomb Raider.”

If you’re peeing frequently, and thus losing lots of liquid, it’s logical to think you could become dehydrated