
This is an opportunity for you to flex your intersectional feminist muscles. You got the ageism piece - cool. Now for the racism piece. The article never even mentions Saldana being “not black enough.” That’s not the argument here. If you read the article, you should be able to argue and articulate why this is such a

This has me rather stymied. I’ve always casually liked Gomez, without giving it any real thought; she seems blandly nice, and of course she’s very pretty, if childlike in appearance. And I like her often-boho fashion sense.

I used to work with child models (advertising) and rare was the photo session that did not end with some child crying because they were so over it (and done with their stage mom).

No matter who wins in November, the First Couple won't look a fraction as good as the Obamas.

Have we ever been worthy of Goddess Michelle Obama?

I think that you probably already know that, if she didn’t want to see him anymore, she wouldn’t. It might not be her fault if he was abusive, but it is still a fact that she isn’t ready to move on. It would make me uncomfortable that she still thinks he should buy her things, that her sister needs her to communicate

Perhaps it’s time for the two of you to take a break? It really does not sound as if she’s ready to move on. Will her personal safety be affected if you guys take a break for a bit? Does she have her own place? If she does, taking a break might be a good thing. You can give her the names and phone numbers of the

The mental issues caused by being in an abusive relationship can continue for months, and won’t end until the victim cuts the abuser out of their life. It sounds like she hasn’t reached that point yet, and it is even harder because he’s a family friend.

There are some articles you might want to try looking for on Captain Awkward, who does a really good job of helping people who are coming out of (or in your case, adjacent to) abusive relationships. For my own two cents, I would say that you have to decide what you are comfortable with and hold that line: it doesn’t