
A little of column A, and a little of B.

No the rest of the world were busy enjoying another England exit. You know, in the EURO, where you win a CUP.

I loved those moments in outbreak were you were hunched over, leaving a trail of blood behind you, trying to escape something, hoping you would come across another survivor.

We’re you able to play online in outbreak? I loved the games too, and all I had was the A.I for company. Remember the leech man from the hospital level?

But they placed each individual saltine in between their ass cheeks for 10 sweaty seconds.

And johnyripman420 has come straight back with some unrelated nonsense! Oh bad move, he’s shown his sensitive side and confusion over the issue. But wait, he’s coming forward with some information everyone already knows. Dear oh dear, that’s not going to win him any points. He’s got to make his last move count folks

You’ve got to be entertained by the chumps who talk like they’re experts because they’ve read an article by one. You know the same fucking experts who didn’t see the crash coming.

Are those our only options?

Then I’m afraid you are below average intelligence. You will be melted and fed to the homeless.

No they’re not evil, they’re cunts. With the way they pulled this shit and what they wanted to do with the Xbox 1 it’s evident. All companies want to make money but they don’t have to dump in your soup while doing it.

Got excited. Planned to buy. Found out it’s not on PS4, or not yet. Fuck you too gaming. Fuck you very much.

That’s cool. And interesting. Can’t help be a little annoyed that at least one person at R has spent time on this mystery, something most of us will not experience, rather than fixing the shit show that is GTA online. Ridiculous loading/connection times or failures, the inability to select a specific game mode to

The dialogue has absolutely shat itself, if I could paraphrase you. Which is why it’s painful to read this opinion piece showing that most people won’t see that.

Ignore the hate messages from cry babies below. Most shows definitely go downhill, writers get burnt out, straining to finish stories in time. What was the shark jumping moment GOT for you?

One of the strongest hours of television to date. You get an A in hyperbole.

What’s the purpose of the low mod size limits on consoles? And what’s the meaning of life?

Does the PSVR have the ability to track your movement like it’s pc counterparts? VR is exciting but the thing that continually blows me away is watching people really move around the game world.

See what pewdiepie does? He makes me try to side with a man who calls someone a faggot!

Oh I’m with you. It’s often toddlers who add the things gamers want in these games. Like fecking holstered weapons visually existing. Thanks bethesda.

“And this is a little something I made that allows for the breasts of female characters to be enlarged at will. Now what kind of pay are we talking about here?”