
i cant see why it wouldnt. i mean if you spend the time and money to make it but not release for japan makes no sense but who knows lots of decision that dont make sense have been made by devs.

buying the game regardless.

wow. Mclaren coulda waited a year and save themselves a $100 million :P

is it directly linked to my/your PSN account so it updates automatically or do you have to manually update it like the ones from PS3tags?

if the arcade hits $199 ill pick up another one. ill connect one to my living and one in my bedroom so i dont have to bring the whole system down depending how i feel/where i wanna play. i could just swap the HDD between the systems.

sold mine to my brother after about 5 days with it. it was a fun game but i hated emptying a full LMG clip into people and then having them turn around and kill me. i did team kill a lot though. nothing like calling in artillery on where your teammates are.

dont really care :/ about how pretty a UI is. as long as i dont have to jump through hoops to play a game im fine.

shouldnt take devs any extra time to implement it. if they've worked on 360 games(game saves tied to gamertag/profile) then they should be able to implement it in future games pretty easily.

Wow. Looks like having the CoD4 engine to work with has given Treyarch something to hide behind. Treyarch's writing checks the CoD4 engine can backup unless TA really really really F*cks up the CoD4 engine which is pretty stable.

getting a Crackdown vide from the screens. Which isnt a bad thing.

is it gonna use that same Konami ID garbage like metal gear online?

looks good for a Wii game.

btw ill see everyone in CoD6 CoDW@W = skip

omg omg forza 3!!!!!!
