
If they sell crackdown ill buy it even though i have it already. Im stuck at 499 god damn orbs(I can hear it when i walk around a monument but its not around or above it-I fear it might be glitched inside X_X) :( and while i could play it fine im kinda spoiled with installing games to the hdd.


oh man i loved AA. SF Hospital is still my favorite FPS map(<3 nade spam from the roof at 9:36-if the grenades trajectory was right the VIP would be right at the door at 9:31 and around the same time the grenade(s) would blow up).

jesus christ psn and xbl are down for me

Looks good. Ill wait to get hype aboutt he game when they say its running 60 fps.

god damn that looks like monster hunter :(

bring frank west back!

@GcRayden: I agree about WaW. I tried to give it a chance by not renewing my Gold subscription when it expired and bought WaW for the PS3 and while its a good game I just didnt enjoy as much as CoD4 especially multiplayer.

wtf ive never seen that character model in coD4.

that looks like the hardware store at al fresca plaza. that place is crawling with zombies no matter what day it is in the game.

If they mean make it easier by getting rid of the rubberband AI then I'll buy it. Its 2008 rubberband AI shouldnt be in games anymore.

damn pretty good deal.

they want more Nomura post op shemales.

:( its nice and smooth but i didnt like the vehicles. was tough to run and gun with tanks around.

the outdoor shot looks pretty empty. mainenance tunnels will probably be smaller too.

I wonder how Capcoms gonna do the Maintenance Tunnels in the Wii version and its not like they can cut it out cause a significant Case takes place there. Guessing they'll probably section it and have it load different sections.

PS3 owners will probably want to check it since it'll probably be the same as Trophies.