
I’m a little biased but I find the gauges from 99-03 F-150's very nice. Maybe not the prettiest gauge cluster, but thin needles and hashes for every mph and 100 rpm make for a very easy to read gauge. Anything with thick needles and minimal speed markings* is a bad design and you’ll never convince me otherwise.

1985-87 Subaru XT Turbo.

I think we just became friends.

Yeah, over feeding a horse can kill it in a number of ways. Also, a test tube is not the nonliving equivalent of a guinea pig.

“Feed a fed Horse” so what, they promoting Horse diabetes, that’s much worse. 

Look at all his majesty. Those peasants in their thatched roof cottages don’t stand a chance.

Them are some nice mirrors, its like I helped work on the prototypes or something

When it comes to vacations, it’s all about the nightlife.

Did this guy really line you all up to recommend a Miata and everyone of you failed to recommend it? How more perfect can his needs be that Miata isn’t the answer?

Ford Ranger.

I like the exterior, but that interior is hands down a home run. It looks incredible! Sure, there’s still a protruding screen, but that is the only demerit I see and if I’m being real honest doesn’t even matter to me since I like the ergonomics of having the display up high.

It’s like if Land Rover made a Ford Flex and used a Renault logo, for some reason.

I dig it. 

You know you don’t have to play it, right? Were you somehow unahppy with the amount of single player content that you received?

I know what Ive got. NO LOWBALLERS!

Minor water damage, low miles, ran when parked.

“it’s a bit different than the first one!”

amazing that it was never set on fire and dunked from 40 feet

I assumed he’d be joining the two people I’d never seen before. 

Yeah. Massive disappointment. Thank the maker for video stills preview...

You should make it a LOT more clear immediately that this isn’t a James May video.