Surprised to see that RDR2 did not make the most recent cut. I wonder what the reasoning would be to leave it off the list.
Surprised to see that RDR2 did not make the most recent cut. I wonder what the reasoning would be to leave it off the list.
Ok now I’m very curious. Did not enough editors finish RDR2 yet in order for you all to make informed decisions? Or is the consensus that it really is not as good a game as the 12 games on this list? The latter option seems pretty farfetched given what I’ve read and heard Kirk and Jason write and say about the game.
Look, I get people being disappointed. I can even understand, to a certain extent, people being angry. No one was expecting, nor did anyone ask for, a Diablo mobile game. I think Blizzard is at times a little full of itself...high on their own supply, if you will. I don’t think they’re “out of touch”,…
To make fans happy. It’s called pr. You know the whole thing this article is about.
Wow, all of these are ugly except the vans
Wow, all of these are ugly except the vans
Get out of that abusive relationship as fast as you can.
This isn’t even the scariest Golden Eagle on this site.
The wife and I have been together for over 18 years and honestly the sex life has not changed all that much for us. Even after our son was born its stayed the same frequency. The key that worked for us is that we make our bedroom our sanctuary, there is no TV in there, no laptops and the phones go on the small table…
lol, i think you watch too much porn, either that or you run in a very weird social circle. maybe both. i kept expecting there to be a punchline at the end, but it never came.
My reason; women have become pretty gross.
And here I was expecting this to be another article about Red Dead Redemption 2.
I don’t know, but it’s in a Mrs. Buttersworth bottle and it burns as it goes down.
Note: don’t carpool with Fred.
A story is posted about a 15-year-old girl being sexually groomed by her mentor and your response is “But she became a stripper!”
Wait, so unlike so many obnoxious parents, the guy was NOT yelling at the refs, he was telling his kid to respect their decisions? And this is why she felt so threatened she needed to call 911? Oh fuck this.
That was my thought too. Even Terry Crews would be a better choice than The Rock.
If an asteroid were on a collision course with Earth in 2040, we’d presumably drop everything to avoid our fate and save ourselves.
Some of us like our eyes “at truck-nutz level,” thank you very much.