It’s probably so the corners don’t put grooves into the wood.
It’s probably so the corners don’t put grooves into the wood.
It’s probably so the corners don’t put grooves into the wood.
It’s probably so the corners don’t put grooves into the wood.
Must have missed deadspins last prediction.
What exactly are you talking about? What exactly is your problem with it? It’s a perfectly fine game. The guys have fixed a ton of bugs in it since it first started, and they are continuing to do more as I write this. Soon, we are going to get FREE content for the game, including new maps, and who knows what else?…
Did you try looking on a Tuesday? I see a lot of specials for tacos on Tuesdays
This new guy may not be a hero, but he might finally become a decent person.
I really hope that one of the missions in the game results in you “accidentally” damaging the nose of the Sphinx to finish off an enemy.
Of course Jorgmandr wants to help you start Ragnarok and waste another Pantheon of Gods >_>
Aww, I think it’s sweet that you can play fetch with Jormungandr!
Game looks alright to me, screw that other dude’s negativity.
*looks over at rocket, sticks picture of Mars on bulletin board*
Completely disagree. I hate to be the person that says “you’re playing it wrong”, but when you’re playing a cooperative multiplayer game and you try and lone wolf it...
The counselors are supposed to cooperate, their are even radios to help with this. Running into Jason is not an instadeath, their are multitudes of…
While your concerns overall seem valid, I have one bone to pick.
Japanese guy wins a race and this guy clutches his Pearl Harbors.
It really bugs me when blogs that are not expressly political post strong political opinions without context. I’m not saying I agree or disagree with Ethan’s characterization of these circumstances, except to say that the situation is far more nuanced than how you are presenting it. There is no black and white…
No big deal it’s an amphibious exploring vehicle. That car was built for this. It has air intake valves. It’s precision British land to sea craftsmanship at work.