PSA: I will pay someone to get on the fucking payload.
PSA: I will pay someone to get on the fucking payload.
I simply refuse to believe that many guys go over the waistband and don’t use the flap.
I simply refuse to believe that many guys go over the waistband and don’t use the flap.
This is one hell of a take.
He should have put his casino winnings on his tax return. He should have actually put an effort into that 5th grade science fair project. He should have known that dating a girl with two first names would bring drama.
He should’ve turned off the wipers..
I can only imagine the overwhelming amounts of schadenfreude experienced by the occupants of the red minivan, which he crossed the double yellow to pass only moments before, when they rolled up on that scene.
I know what was said here is terrible, but I can’t get over the use of “sliding” when I presume they meant “sidling”? How does one slide up to someone?
I decided a long time ago that people like Jones, or Rush, or Beck, it doesn’t MATTER if they believe the shit they peddle, they damage is real. These guys are modern snake oils for broken minds and broken spirits. They are no better than the televangelist who takes old ladies’ Social Security check, buys a…
This liberal bias is exactly why I canceled my subscription to Deadspin. I just read all the words in the articles and comment sometimes.
I’ve never understood why “elites” get boarded first. Since you’re going to spend hours in the same spot, I’d try to minimize this as much as possible. Furthermore this would maximize the time they could spend in the lounges. The only advantage boarding first would give is having first access to the storage bins,…
Local kinja user discovers one weird trick
nah, man, you gotta shake up the ESTABLISHMENT. can’t have some fuggin’ DOCTOR tellin’ you what to do - they’ve been tellin’ us what to do for YEARS with our bodies and see where it’s gotten it us? fuckin’ nowhere. all the speedruns have hit their limits, my dude. you want to break the 40 minute barrier on pokemon…
So I think it’s pretty clear now that Bastion fucks.
Mei is, objectively, the BEST
so it’s Rogue Trooper, 5 years before Watchmen, Fahey knows his shit
I just want to point out how useful that compass is. It’s very much like Skyrim’s but it’ll tell you what the center icon is for with a map legend caption that fades in. It’s a small change, granted, but it makes it a lot easier to juggle multiple side quest icons without having to open your map or quest log menu.
I enjoyed the hell out of this game and recently wished for its return. I geuss I should have wished for world peace or to be rich...who knew.
I love when glowing reviews come out on Monday. That means there is still time to “preorder” from Amazon for that $13 discount they have on new games.