Logical conclusion is that more swimmers should do what Phelps did because he WON, but every conclusion must be checked so let’s see:
Logical conclusion is that more swimmers should do what Phelps did because he WON, but every conclusion must be checked so let’s see:
You are clearly a man that is incapable of holding onto the original point of a discussion. Reread original post to figure out that the discussion, one which you started by posting under my original comment, isn’t about more breathing results in winning. Our discussion seems to have drug on because you forgot the…
Alkalinity simply means there are more hydroxide anions floating in solution than there are hydrogen protons. Compounds that dissociate into separate ions like your sodium hydroxide (Na+ OH-) create alkaline conditions in water because it adds more free floating OH- to the mix. In this case the pool was more alkaline…
You know I read the article, thought, I’ll let it slide. Then I read some comments specifically the ones from people who say they manage pools. Can’t let it slide anymore, you ALL need a chemistry lesson, bad. I still love you guys though:
You know I read the article, thought, I’ll let it slide. Then I read some comments specifically the ones from people who say they manage pools. Can’t let it slide anymore, you ALL need a chemistry lesson, bad. I still love you guys though:
You’re that guy that just doesn’t get it. For evidence that you’re wrong (about the breathes) check out French guy next to Phelps taking two breathes before he even surfaces.
Nobody gave Messi shit for basically the same hairdo.
It’s annoying when people want top level athletes to be smiley-ass, trying-to-make-everyone-like-me, shit bags. You’re not directly saying you want him to be that reality star and advertisers wet dream, but you’re implying because he doesn’t have those things it must mean people don’t like him.
Why do you need him on commercials and reality shows? He swims. He doesn’t fucking dance for you.
Shut up and enjoy his swimming. I don’t need to see him dance for me in front of the TV’s and neither should anyone else.
I also swam competitively in college. I absolutely get that these guys are far better than college level, but there is need for breathing besides taking in oxygen for your muscles. Your body needs to release the carbon dioxide that is building up in your lungs otherwise it has adverse effects on your brain and can…
This... all of this.
Phelps has dominated the sport of swimming physically and strategically over his entire career. He has done extra half strokes and crazy long lunges to out-touch his opponents. Now you can add crazy deep and long dolphin kicks at the turn to gain an edge. This could be an interesting development for Phelps to continue…
Why don’t more swimmers do what Phelps just did? By the time you hit the wall you’re begging to breathe, which is why most of the other swimmers popped up to the surface like Goldfish looking for food after their kick off the wall.
What Phelps did has to be trained for. Most athletes performance would drop severely…
Yeah, the United States bolster the deepest swimming program in the world. Our trials sometimes seem like mini-Olympics, which is why I was confused when Deadspin chose to cover Phelps three wins there like it was only an “okay” job, and not to expect much in Rio. He’ll take at least 3 more Golds in addition to this…
Watching Phelps swim in tonight’s relay was like getting an unexpected moment of perfection from someone you’d already spent years forgetting about. It was Kobe’s 60-point game, but in the NBA Finals.