
You're right, of course. But at this point I'm sort of okay with enjoying Homeland as a more kitschy and sensational entertainment. I suppose the idea was that the assassination attempt and everything with the slander against her son changed the President. but yeah it wasn't earned in any realistic way.

Good call stepping away. This review reads like it was a real struggle to write. Hopefully the reviewer moves on to a show they actually care about.

It can and it should. But when the evidence doesn't support exploitation - as in this case - then it's fair to assume that prudishness plays a factor in the critic's reservations. Especially when he himself makes it clear he can't really place from where his discomfort with the nudity stems. Just some vague notion of

It would seem that there are circumstances where the hosts will be wearing clothes when transported to other parts of the facility (for instance Dolores is wearing clothes during her talks with Bernard (I'm sure Bernard didn't clothe her himself), so while yes, it is uncommon for them to be clothed it's not

But the assumption here is that it's not voluntary. I completely understand that actresses in the industry face exploitation, and gratuitous nudity which you cannot always afford to turn down if you want to be hired again. My issue is that it appears to be incomprehensible to some critics that an actor would ever be

"I know intellectually that the actors pretending to be robots are nude because it fits in with the show’s world, but I also know that these are real people with their clothes off, and it’s hard to know where the intention ends and the exploitation begins, if it begins at all"

"Enjoyable and inconsequential—those should be the words on every video game’s sigil."

I like the girls, they're funny. But the writing let them down, at least in this first episode. Still, lady poop. Enjoyable.

"Either you have much larger and more plentiful problems…"

I'm sorry that's not how language works. It's like saying you shouldn't care about pay inequality because there are much worse cases of systemic misogyny and sexism in the world. It's not a zero sum game. You can think "'ship" is a totally useless expression, while still recognize that the h in ghost is useless as

But isn't that a false dilemma? So because English has absolutely ridiculous spelling conventions from the 15th century I can't think ill of a recent idiomatic invention whose abbreviation is wholly redundant?

One of the great privileges of being a language user is that you get to decide whether or not a new expression is useful or utterly idiotic. 'Shipping, to me, is the latter.

'Ship'? As a fucking verb? Where's my suicide pistol at?

So this movie will essentially be based on every Aliens fan fiction ever written?

Wegener is played by a Danish actor and actually sports a very Danish accent in both his English and German. Doesn't even try to sound Swedish.

Well. This is contrarianism on a whole new level. If you actually believe the prequels are good movies, and this article isn't just the result of a lost wager or a dare, then all I can say is:

It's a ridiculous PLOT POINT. It's a totally solid theory.

I think Alex is beginning to feel the very real possibility of losing a bet with Josh Modell, after spending a solid 15 minutes scoffing and rolling eyes at his 'ridiculous theory' on the DVR club.

"Claire Danes and Damien Lewis have phenomenal chemistry, but that wasn’t
the only reason Carrie and Brody became a recipe for instantly
engrossing television."

Katie Rife, please know that you are not alone. For those exact same reasons.