
Practically dribbled.

Shootingbrake!.....Domo Arigato AM Zagato

It is a slider, just a confusing one that’s hard to see with no clear visual or tactile feedback.

I like how Bill talks about ‘Clumsy sliders’ like those are still commonplace in cars. 99% of new cars these days have buttons with a digital interface, Bill. Also, isn’t that digital thing you’re pressing just another fancy ‘slider’?

This is nuts - and not in a good way. I hope there’s some sort of user flow that involves the steering wheel controls, because no way would I be dicking around with that while driving.

Please note: Australia does not have HOAs. In fact, most of the world does not have HOAs. We’re not that stupid.

Wouldn’t it be just better to buy the 2 adjacent parking spots instead of building this stupid contraption?

Disappointed to see that this was merely a car transporting a grill and not a car equipped with a functioning propane grill inside like the headline seemed to suggest. Oh, well. It’s Florida we’re talking about, so there’s always tomorrow.

This is pretty rare. Usually in these videos, it’s the MTA fucking the passengers.

Talk about riding the rails, amirite?!?!?!?!?

I’ve never ridden a subway in NYC, so I don’t know how common this is. But putting your bare feet on one of those seats has to be gross right? Seems gross.

I’m more bothered by chrome or other metallic accents in the interior that reflect sunlight. Yes, they look upscale, but they’re also blinding. My wife and I love our CX-5, but when we took a road trip down South there wasn’t much time when some sunlight wasn’t reflecting off of the trim above the infotainment

Porsche is way ahead of you there with their Porsche Design stuff. They sell sunglasses from 250€ to 5000€ already.

I once choked on gold dust that a restaurant had sprinkled on my selection of chocolate mousses.

This is the firstest of first world problems I’ve ever seen

Scumbag law firms love these class action lawsuits. They get their third of the settlement in cash, up front. Enjoy your coupon for a free sixer of Hamno’s favorite yogurt, suckers.

From the Porsche configurator:

Wait, what “narrative” did I push in my comment? Because I only made a verifiable observation about your comment history.

I hope I’m not the only one who googled “George Wallace” only to be surprised that he also used to be the governor of Alabama. And white.

Nice try BMW owner.