Obviously the driver misjudged his coronering speed.
Obviously the driver misjudged his coronering speed.
Hopefully he doesn’t come back as a Wraith.
A real Phantom
A Ghost, if you will.
The deceased on the gurney was in fact named Royce. He was a rolls Royce.
how am I supposed to argue with this. damn. flawless proof.
Agreed. As a Jalopnik journalist, you have accepted the role of experiencing all of automobiledom on the behalf of the rest of us, the great unwashed. We drive Ferraris, Lambos, Teslas, Bentleys and everything else vicariously through you. The downside is that you also have to give us the experience of truly dumb but…
Raph, you know that you want to turn it into a Dakar rally truck.
I’ve crunched the numbers and evaluated the scenarios, and I’m going to have to agree that there really is no other option than for you to get this. Sorry, man.
I’m afraid you have to. There’s really no other option.
Sherman and Lynch should do late night for the Ocho.
I love love love Richard Sherman. He should have a show. Can’t be worse than so much of what’s currently on.
As in do I think that they were looking to sign him as Wilson’s replacement? No, I do not.
The (massive) difference being that the Seahawks were looking at Kaep as a (hopefully) low-cost backup option. The chances of there being mutual interest in that respect were pretty low. Sherman’s argument, echoed by the comments here, is that Kaep should be starting for some of these teams that have a collection of…
Also, Giraffe Neck and the rest of the Bears QBs.
I think the fact that he does not know or even care who the QB of the Jets is his exact point.
Oh dear, I’m putting myself out there, and please feel free to correct me, but there were times when monarchs from different countries married. I’m not sure if they were both given the titles “Queen and king” however: Example: Mary Queen of Scots was married to King Francis II of France.
If a king marries his wife becomes queen. The issue with Camilla is she was divides previously. When a queen marries her husband usually doesn’t become king because kings outrank queens