We had those little dome things for one year in Minnesota. Snow plows took care of all of them during the first snow fall.
We had those little dome things for one year in Minnesota. Snow plows took care of all of them during the first snow fall.
I think this has more to do with altitude than directional distance. Once a plane gets below a certain altitude they fall off the radar and air traffic control monitors by eye. This article is written in a misleading way.
I wasn’t aware my seatbelt would save me if my plane burst into flames due to a collision with another jetliner
You mean Soory.
“The plane was apparently so far off-course that it didn’t appear on the air traffic controller’s radar system, the NTSB said.”
If he didn’t scream “Sorry!!” on his mic after he had pulled up, was the pilot really a Canadian?
Though some comedy of errors had to occur to wind up like that, thank god, in the pit of their stomach, at the final moment, someone’s training kicked in and told them to abort, within seconds, and they made the call.
Yep, because every early 20's something thinks about all that stuff.
I drive thru the tunnel for work every day...
Trucks are banned from the tunnel durring construction. its clearly labeled. This driver thought he was special
Had something similar happen to me years ago when we were moving the “Dead fleet” form one airfield at Ft. Rucker to another.
You aren’t the brightest bulb in the box, are you?
No, it’s not where the lanes are normally placed. That tunnel is actually under construction, and trucks of this size are actually banned from driving through there. This is going to be a hefty bill.
Her response was “I would be delighted to illuminate the situation for you but I’ve been left in the dark concerning the details.”
That’s not where the lanes are normally placed, is it? And that’s not their normal width, either? From what I can make out of the seams in the roadway, the truck is half-way on what is usually the shoulder. But the lane markings are painted in temporary locations to squeeze traffic away from the workers. If I’m…
Did you really miss the joke? Wow...
I know a lot of people are going to be flaming the driver on this, but I think I could see it being plausible that it’d happen to anyone. It’s a question of whether or not the tunnel clearance marker accounts for the lights. If he’d be rolling in the inside lane, he’d been perfectly fine. If I were the driver,…
The truck driver really left her in the dark after his drive.
The the poor JNJ lady wouldn’t shed more light on the situation?