
Why is this price crazy and $150k for an M4 with a wing isn’t? At least Jag gives us rip-roaring blown V8 power and not the same old engine with water blown through the intake.

David. You’re a good guy. May the spirit of Barney Roos keep you and protect you on all your future Toledo fueled endeavors...

Do those come standard with TPMS? Obviously 1.5psi too low on the tracks.

It was my pleasure. Jeep updates will come soon.

Thanks Matt for letting Brandon and me crash at your extremely neat crib (seriously, how’s it possible that a bunch college dudes lived in such a tidy apartment?).

Thanks to David and Brandon for making this weekend the greatest automotive experience of my life thus far. The Briarwood will always be the anchor of my future fleet of shit boxes and I owe it all to you guys.

That’s because it’s a Miata in disguise.

Because Vettes are vulgar and desperate. A lot of this comes from their past image but a lot of it also comes from their design. The modern vette is an amazing and well-engineered machine. But it suffers from being a Corvette. Its legacy is of desperate middle aged men, old men who can’t handle it or don’t know there

Looks like that Corvette isn’t going anywhere. Chained to the floor. Yes I noticed that before the woman. Whether im proud of that or not, I’m not sure :P

If she’s going to deliver that thing in those heels I’m down!

I would poke her bare.

Joe is 74 years old. He worked hard all his life and then became a great politician who ended up being next to the most powerful man in the universe. Now their 8 years are done and an orange guy lives in their house.

Congratulations, Mr. BiffMagnetude, on COTD! I would like to gift you with a Corvette which this lovely lady will deliver without poking the bear.

My only regret is that I have but one star to give for this comment.

Cars doing that speed at Bonneville run solid tires, sometimes solid aluminum is used. Those runs are also straight line runs also. The Bugatti has to do this on a track with lateral g-forces and stuff.

“Son, I would have let you off with a warning for going 300 mph in a 55 mph zone, but I see that your tires are not road legal and I’m afraid you’ve given me no other option.”

The physics appears normal to me. The rear gets sliding while the front still has grip. The rear end comes around then the front loses traction and the car slides ass first into the curve. I see something that is tricky to do intentionally but perfectly within normal driving physics.

I still frequently dream of picking one of these up. Based upon everything I see, they basically don’t depreciate and are very reasonable to maintain. If you get in an accident, you are screwed, but otherwise this represents the near ideal everyday exotic.

It doesn’t look like a Buick.