Um... pretty sure it is.
Um... pretty sure it is.
Word. And this type of response is popping up over and over in these threads. Who on earth are these people who think that the only motive a woman might have to object to legalized prostitution must be sexual jealousy?
FFS- that’s pretty simplistic and condescending towards all women, don’t you think? All women do not in fact live in constant paranoid terror of losing ‘their man’ to another woman and base all their actions and beliefs on that fear.
I’d have to think more about it, but I would be tempted to say that I am more okay with men doing it. I know it seems hypocritical, but the thing is that I am not opposed to it morally, fuck that shit. If that’s what you REALLY want to do, you are not being coerced, and that is what brings you money, then that’s great.
Woman here as well. I lived in the Netherlands - it’s legal, sure, it’s also filled with women who were coerced and trafficked and kidnapped into being prosititutes, mostly immigrants. And even for the local Dutch prostitutes who may just be putting themselves through school, it’s generally not something they list on…
Almost as shocking as men thinking only as far as “prostitution = sex, and sex = good, so prostitution = good” and not giving a second thought to the fact that it hurts women!
Couldn’t it be that more women are hesitant to endorse a practice - legality aside - where they are especially vulnerable to the violence of human males?
Well, but there’s consenting to something because you want to have sex with people for money (and if you do, great! You do you!) and consenting to something because you’re poor, or uneducated, or feeding an addition, or whatever and it’s the only prospect you have for making money. Is that actually consent and is that…
The point is that often the women AREN’T consenting and I really doubt any man stops to find out or even care. And the wives of the johns aren’t consenting either — to either secret betrayal or sexually transmitted diseases that they’d never think to check for to treat.
She needs high profile men to endorse her in this way. Polls show men have a real problem with putting a woman in the oval office.
BernieBros explain how ignorant of their own interests these women are in 3....2....1....
It’s not “female” victims of violence. It’s “female victims of violence”. Traditional self-defense is modeled on situations where men are fighting each other. The dynamics of domestic abuse are different, and domestic abuse is mostly men attacking women. Expanding the definition of self defense to include the dynamics…
I would say that society wants men to be in control. If women and children are harmed along the way, well, they’re only women and children.
You read the police response to their daughter reporting her father had raped her? That’s more common than you think. Calling the cops often makes the abuse escalate. With that many children, she probably felt even more trapped. If the police didn’t help his daughter, why should she have believed they would help her?
It seems like the failure was more than just the law, but a society that seemed unable to offer this woman and her family safe and reliable options to report and escape the abuse for decades on end. And this is clearly not exclusive to France.
Nice hyperbole reply there. No one nearly died.
Trailblazer looked to be mere inches off the Edge’s rear bumper. If that isn’t a death wish on the part of the Chevy driver, I don’t know what is.
I kind of believe Lindsay, or at least it seems plausible that a bunch of drunken young men staying in the same hotel as her would send one of their number to her room to see what would happen.