When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean.

Instead of a madonna/whore dichotomy, I think Trump employs a fat pig/bimbo dichotomy. Kelly is not fat or ugly, and she’s not a bimbo because she keeps challenging him. At first, he was pissed that she was given permission to do so, but now that it’s clear FOX isn’t going to hide her away to appease him, she is now

Somehow the NFL must be making money or trying to make money.

babe this whole thing is a joke

I knew this would happen.

That headline is kind of gross. They’re not involved, and they’re not the only reason this is a story.

Wow. Same shit, different industry. I was at an ophthalmology conference a few years ago and at one pharma event, someone had hired sexy cheerleaders to...socialize? with the surgeons. Funny story! It was a conference specifically targeting women in ophthalmology.

Having eroticized female dancers at a professional gathering is gross enough, but the “sexy schoolgirl” thing is extra disgusting.

Let’s hope, anyway!

Some just out of college bro marketing coordinator just lost his job.

You’re just jealous because she’s not like other girls. She’s cool, like one of the guys. She can say this stuff because she knows that people like Donald Trump would NEVER EVER say anything like this about her.

Well, at least now there’s a solution to the whole “CEOs are grossly overpaid” situation: more women in executive roles!

Our children will also never see a live minstel show, or bear-baiting, or a cockfight.

Umm...I like it?

But wait... I thought Kim was all about embracing her imperfections now and promoting self love and all that?

Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

holy shit dude, tell us how you really feel

I’m going to regret asking this, but what do you think the pyramids were then, if not a tomb?

Egyptologists are amongst the most corrupt and disingenuous liars on the face of the planet. They have probably known of this chamber for decades, and pulling it out now achieves for.them some sense of relevancy. The fact that they cling to the great pyramid of giza as a tomb and tomb only when it is rife with