
In the early 2000s large firm lawyers started posting salaries publicly and a salary war started almost immediately. That was a good economic time, but without the transparency, I'm not sure the increases would have been as big or as widespread.

It's almost like this idea writer thinks that you can criticize a subset of a larger group. Fucking nuts.

The joke.

Is it a liberal bias that tells me he's used the executive order less than any president since Bush I (in three more years)? Second column of numbers is per year average, he's lowest since Grover Cleveland on that. Quit pretending knowledge of basic facts is a bias.

Alcoholism is the only disease that people will yell at you for having. God, I miss Mitch Hedberg.

He went to Berkeley. Without the NFL he would have graduated and still been more successful than you.

You sound like a journalist.

Did I miss the line where anyone said only the Steelers do it? We know it works like this, but there's little evidence. So, when evidence pops up, it's nice that someone publishes it. It just happens that this time the report that popped up relates to the Steelers. That's all.

Believe that's called 6 days to air. It's a really interesting documentary. Also, last year a power outage in Colorado finally made them miss an air date. I am sure they knew it would happen eventually.

EighTEEN is the law, dummy. Nothing like being pedantic and wrong all at the same time.

You're joking, right? You couldn't be more inconsistent here. You want the police to be forgiven for judging us all because of the extraordinarily few citizens that attack police, but we cannot do the same to them. Not only is that horribly inconsistent, but it's hard to understand why the police should be held to a

Without fighting Weber would have cross-checked back. Punches are better than swinging sticks.

I love some dumb fuck that really thinks the children's game on the field, no matter which play, is more important that a contender for a presidential nomination. You probably have worn a football jersey somewhere other than a football field before, haven't you?

You just need to read some of the crazy asshole comments on just about anything Craggs wrote. Instead of roasting Craggs, as is the tradition when an editor leaves Deadspin, Marchmen is making fun of those mouth breathers that are sure that everyone that disagrees with them is some sort of crazy radical.

No, fuckwad. He is making a joke at the expense of every police apologist in the wake of Ferguson, the Garner incident, etc., who argue that we can never ever criticize the police and then spit out the justifications included in the comment you don't understand.

I think any shade darker than Irish is enough for the NYPD.