
The cloth map that came with Neverwinter Nights. ‘Nuff said.

Right, 2000, sorry.

Probably hasn’t changed a whole lot since 2000 - the silos are still out there. May not make sense from a N. Korea attack scenario, however. I think these scenarios typically figured USSR or its former states, thus the high number of targets on the map (500 and 2000). So, may not make sense from a practical

Several Air Force bases and a ton of nuclear missile silos in Montana. Probably not the exact area portrayed in the game, but close enough for the narrative.

I think building a computer is a good thing for every PC user to do at least once, if only for a better understanding of all the pieces that make up a computer. That said, I don’t find it necessary to build my own rig every time I want a new one. That kind of nonsense is best left to young Humpty - old Humpty just

Is competitive eating considered a sport? If so, I nominate it for both the Fart and Shart records when it comes to sports. You can’t fork down 50 hot dogs in 2 minutes and not have consequences.

Conveniently, we haven’t been “at war” since 1945-ish (technically, 1950), so this shouldn’t be a problem.

A brick wrapped in tin foil.

I use pork belly (along with just a little bacon) when I make Spaghetti Alla Carbonara. Simmered on low heat for a long time gets you a bunch of sweet, sweet pig oil.

I tried playing Far Cry 2 many years ago, and just got my ass brutally handed to me in a way the game hadn’t hinted at. That kind of soured me on the series. Best on your reviews of 5, I may have to give it another try.

Rocky Mountain Oysters.

To be fair, he probably can’t actually see it:

Imma guess our local stores don’t do that.

They shouldn’t allow slow-motion replay. All replays should be at full speed. If a bobble (or whatever) isn’t visible at full speed, then it shouldn’t be considered.

Unfortunately, when you live 800 miles from the ocean, frozen mussels sometimes have to suffice.

I once warned some students of mine against doing this, while giving very specific instructions on how to achieve it along with some prudent safety advice.

Dude even spelled “chiles” correctly. Props.

The occasional stirring let’s out enough of the steam.