Um... those three choices are kind of the same thing.
Um... those three choices are kind of the same thing.
Crap beer and lots of it will do that to folk.
You sir, get a star for your name alone.
Now, act excited and stoked that you just flushed $25000 down the toilet
First thing I noticed was the flags, same conclusion
i bet this was a very culturally diverse crowd
They may not know how to build a truck, but they know how to have fun. It’s not my thing, and judging by the comments thus far, likely isn’t yours, but you gotta admit they look like they are having fun. Well, up until their truck breaks (and even then, they seem to be all smiles).
confederate-flag-wavin’-fucks. are we surprised?
Was it mud, though?
I’ve gotten used to having neither. It’s quite liberating, really.
Somebody please explain what happened. Did his front suspensin collapse? Did he ron off frame? what?
That front-end will rise again!
“Maybe it’s just that I’m a germophobe and wash my hands 20+ times a day”
It’s that.
First thing I noticed is how not a single driver/passenger in that video is wearing a helmet. Then again, if you have no brain, I guess wearing a brain bucket is just pissing in the wind.
Stereotype proven.
I’m as much of a believer in having fun with motorsports as the next guy, but... this just seems incredibly, incredibly stupid. Maybe it’s just that I’m a germophobe and wash my hands 20+ times a day, but the concept of being out there in all that mud, of actually getting mud on your skin, does not seem enjoyable to…
I can’t decide whether to make a “I have a higher IQ than everyone in that video combined” joke or a “I have more teeth than all the teeth in that video combined” joke.
Love that little truck next to it. It’s like a happy puppy running around while the big dog gets arthritis and collapses.
I got rear-ended by a kid and had some damage. I called Progressive to let them know what happened despite the fact I wasn’t at fault. Progressive eliminated by accident-free discount as a result. I called and asked how I could lose the discount when it wasn’t my fault and they basically stated, “an accident is an…