
That is exactly how this non-country fan felt last year.  The final performance episode was the first (and only) episode of American Idol that I've ever skipped.  I watched the final results only to see the former contestants and special guests perform.

Tell your boy to run.  Seriously.  I was in one of those relationships in college and it was an unending downward spiral.

@avclub-d7f43e1fb2d4977c86163d9b0cb07814:disqus You're thinking of Glee.

Never doubt my brother Numsie.

It was a masterpiece, as usual.

Right there with you, @avclub-6d253a32d36c038dfc303119c5df085f:disqus.  It's just background noise at this point.  I never really had a favorite.  Everyone is decent, but nobody has really risen to the top for me.  People singing on a stage indeed.

You're not alone.

The covers are the worst.  I'm glad I get these digitally; I couldn't bear the shame of reading a hard copy in public.

This is how I feel about Mr. Vernon in "The Breakfast Club" nowadays.  What a bunch of little shits he has to deal with on a Saturday.

Rex Reed's review of Cabin in the Woods is noteworthy for its hideousness.  Insulting and glaringly inaccurate.…

I've read these and: "Poo, Todd."

Chuteney and baggles.  Thanks, TV!

I had to pause the show for the same reason.  The whole sequence had me howling.

@avclub-3555a974ddaed52619f7772358e930af:disqus My friends are nothing to me but the sum of their opinions about items in pop culture.

I have a negative reaction because people I respect and trust are over the moon about this show, and I gave it a chance (two chances) and found it to be not very good.

I've given it two episodes and its popularity (among "adults") baffles me.

"The Wheel" is the best episode.

Maybe Ken is just an epic troll.

Rory Calhoun?