
Colton = underdog contender?  Snort.

Man, I bet that band was excited to be playing some Zep, though, instead of some Celine Dion pablum.

Phillip and Colton will be F2.  Jessica will be out at 3.

Mickey Rooney did it in Breakfast at Tiffany's.

FLAGGING the school FLAG: that's a-FLAGGIN'.

Don't say a word to me, Sidney, don't say a fucking word to me. I'll get up and I'll bury this telephone in your head.

To be fair, those clowns weren't rockers.

Too bad that Alicia's ass is attached to Alicia.  She's intolerable.

No, they are still on the shoulders in classic.  You might have done what I did, which was assume that the first option you get when dropping out of the chopper on your first run selects between classic and new; it doesn't.  It just meant that in the new scheme, you can use either the right stick or the face buttons

I'm Idaho!

Don't count on Eben going home.  The insane redial voters are all either tween girls or pedo hausfraus.

I can't see angelica houston without thinking "God, what happened to Morticia Addams?"

"Now that's a spicy meet-cute!"

So say we all.

I really liked Pinkeye and Lauren Grey.  They were my favorite two auditions so far.

Meaning "between the stits."

In the past, they've done a couple of misdirects with those at-home videos where the auditioner doesn't make it, but they haven't done that in years.


I have a ball.