
Is this person having a seizure?

Brian stop hiding the comments by featuring ones that agree with you!

Why does this bother people so much? Is there not more important shit going on in the world than a casting choice?

I really hate that this site is promoting this hate.

Is bossland where bosses come from?

I was just giving you suggestions.

You could just... not watch it.

Geez dude.


I know, right!? They’re fictional!

It’s funny how you can hunt down women and kill them in creative ways in GTA, but it’s simply a man dressing up causes a stir.

We’ve accepted murder is wrong but still allow it to be filled creatively in video games.


Gotta get dem clicks!

Why do we make video games like GTA where you can casually murder someone when murder is horrible? Are there not families in the world who have loved ones lost to such crimes?

Yup. And America has their problems too. I wouldn’t change Japan for anything. Gives me options from all this crap in America.

At this point this site is so PC that I assumed they’d make a big deal out of this.

Hey! You used bolding in your text! In some cultures that’s offensive to women!

I dunno why people are even making a big deal about this...

Why do we make video games like GTA where you can casually murder someone when murder is horrible? Are there not families in the world who have loved ones lost to such crimes?