
Man, this is article has some... unique humor.

Stop talking about Trump while having sex. It creeps your partner out.

I remember back in 2004 you could make a joke without it leading to a big controversy.

I mean, I don’t think it’s sad-

I played the first DOAXE with my sister. We just thought it was like those barbie games, but like, a Japanese one. My dad was none the wiser. She ended up enjoying more than me, I thought it was incredibly boring. Who spends $60 to look at a “not so bad” 3D model all day?

No, the “walk-in” is a joke trope. It’s their way of showing sexual themes in their media content. Who are you to dictate how a different culture produces their content? Why should they conform to what part of America thinks is appropriate?

How does liking panties make anyone a kindergartner? I’m sure your daddy was fascinated with whatever mommy was wearing before they f-

Rest of the world? You mean America?

There needs to be more people like you on this site. I’m sick of people judging others in their tastes in games.

Liking My Little Pony should be accepted, but, look up a video game girl’s skirts? That’s where we draw the line!

$17 for that?

GameGrumps made a “kill all Jews” joke too.


Bleh! Original properties!

There are 3 other Kinja sites that do enough of that. That is the point.

Stop crying after sex.

If you don’t like my comment, you don’t have to reply.

Yea, I get, he’s an asshole. We all hate him.

Um... the sister sites do enough of that?

This seems like an excuse to complain about Trump.