Waifu material.
Waifu material.
This is gaming related?
...People are surprised gamers try to look up D.va’s skirt?
I know right!?
Wait, who’s defined a troll?
Nah, just you.
As long as we send the men unlimited shotguns.
I’m not looking for your pity.
Just use your parents credit card like that one kid.
My friends laptop broke, so that’s his only way of using the internet.
I think I’m the only that thought it was kinda meh, besides the visuals.
I think I’m the only that thought it was kinda meh, besides the visuals.
“I need to make an article, but about what? FAN ART!”
I should be able to stalk my waifu as much I want!
Short answer to this article title:
Omg, you actually made an article about DOAX without sounding biased.
Does anyone with only LP experience qualify for any of these?
Uuuuh, “pussyfooting”?
Where’s the rum gone?
I can get behind this.