
And there’s people who watch MLP for other “reasons” too... cloppers.

...What were we talking about?

Than I guess watching MLP makes you a virgin man child...

Is there something wrong here?

It still is... this is just a spinoff...

Because there’s somethings you should be embarrassed by doing... like watching MLP.

Did you know grown adults watch this show called “My Little Pony”?

This comment actually deserves to be top comment. 

I think bronies are sad and pathetic, but apparently they’re glorified here.

Why’s it shameful for me to like this game when it’s not shameful to be a Brony?


You didn’t even take into account of my feelings, clearly you must be a bigot!

“Did you just ASSUME my gender!?”

The irony of this article.

Is Kirk a new writer?

It’s football!!

Why’re you guys using “political” when apparently that word has two meanings? You’re confusing people.

Everyone’s using this term way too loosely, not knowing what people are actually complaining about.

How does that translate to politics?

Crash Bandicoot? A game that studio created? Have you lost your childhood memories or something?