What games have you been playing?
What games have you been playing?
Uuuuuh, most of Gamestops I went to had female employees.
Wait, why would they want to attract more women to the lower selections when the audience for it is less?
Having different genre of anime is representative?
Meh, I like the way they’re doing it now.
Some of these are pretty cheap. What’s the catch?
Think you could link me?
I use Bing.
No. Reggie said he was male.
You can get a 128 just for $40?
This would be cool if it didn’t come with 32gb of space...
Yea, I got biology homework.
Yea! Leave Cecilia a piece!
Who cares?
Yet they complain when they get blacklisted from companies...
You guys are allowed to post leaked information without any repercussion?
After reading the title, I thought I wouldn’t like this article.
Good point.