Why no Keijo articles?
Why no Keijo articles?
No! I want some hard core autism.
Where’s my incest representation?
Why did shehave to be gay? Why did she have to be straight? Why does she have to be into gorillas?
How does fucking girls in bed relate to being a hero?
Oh no, those are all physical. I talking about mental. Let’s get some autism up in here.
I’m tired of seeing this. We get it, she’s gay.
Buy it pre-made.
Kotaku did not acknowledge it in this article.
I don’t get it, why limit to LGBT?
Nonono, if LGBT members deserve to be in every form of media (even though being 6% of America), than people with open disabilities can too.
I don’t get it, why limit to LGBT?
I praise Nathan for not using Tracer’s kiss the thumbnail. And the title not being “TRASER IS GAY!”
Do my eyes deceive me!?
Fuck that dog.
Is there a picture of Mike taking a selfie with a Pokémon toy in ToyS’R’Us?
The only crow I love was that Superhero movie.
Gee! It’s not good enough!?
Make it rain!