I’ll have what he’s having. :)
I’ll have what he’s having. :)
This is good for people who whine about day 1 patches.
Geez, when’d Overwatch go downhill?
I have suggestions on designing Kotaku’s UI better! Anyone wanna hear? NO?
Anyone’s better than Gita.
Couple of months ago.
I don’t get it. Why’re you pretending to act stupid? Why’s everyone joining?
Bobby, why you gotta start shit?
If they’re leaving Zarya’s sexuality up to interpretation, why would they ship those two?
If you think THIS is bad, watch the comparison to Pikachu vs Mega Lucario! There is a definite “oomph” missing from the dub. In fact, there’s no “oomphs” at all!
I want Mike back...
Soooo, can I call her a bitch too or would that make me a asshole?